book club thursday

carpe librum 

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers   
blog about book related themes. 

This year BCT has some changes and new events!

Today is 

trivia thursday 

Think you know books? 

I'll test that...don't worry- it's all in good fun and I'll have "the reveal" at the bottom of my blog. 

And don't forget to head on over to Romancing the Readers to play along with her trivia question. 

What author has books with the following the titles:

Surprise Me

Can You Keep a Secret?

My Not so Perfect Life

& the upcoming (which I can't for):

I Owe You One

Is it: 

Beth Kendrick

Sophie Kinsella

Jill Mansell 

Now play along and 

January 10

golden oldie 

Sophie Kinsella

Did you guess correctly? 
