week day posts

carpe librum 

seize the book

welcome book lovers

each week i'll have a variety 
of themed posts either on my facebook page or here on blogger:

mondays: mostly meme's or whatever strikes my fancy 

tuesdays: happy release day- books deserve a book birthday and i'll feature books that i may or may buy

wednesday: drop me a line about what you are reading!

thurdays: book club thursday (BCT)-myself and Ann blog about various themes (learn more on the BCT tab)

saturdays: shout out - i'm giving a shout out to something book related


each sunday and friday myself and Ann from Romancing the Readers
have some extra fun with posting brief book tidbits and the like- as always we'd love it if you join in  
in 2020: 

each month sundays will "spotlight" book covers only(no explanations) fitting a monthly theme:

jan: winter
feb: love/hearts/sexy
mar: historicals
apr: contemporary
may: mom(s) with kid(s)
jun: dad(s) with kid(s)
jul: holiday 
aug: animals
sep: i've got one for you(something i think would appeal to Ann)
oct: paranormal
nov: family 
dec: holiday

each month fridays will "feature" books fitting various themes:

1st fri: future reads(want to read someday...)

2nd fri: reader/author day (thank you to you) 

3rd fri: favorites

4th fri: furries(shape shifters, animals, hair...) 

5th fri: forever(it took forever for...) 
