reviews & promoting you


I'll read just about anything if it appeals to me however most of what I currently read is darker fiction across all genres (including some darker non fiction). I do enjoy some snarky books too!    

If I agree to review your book, I'll make every effort to get it in done within the month of the request. I also tend to keep my reviews on the shorter side. At this time, I'm pretty open for reviews.

If I turn down your review request, I'd still be happy to try to help promote your work(see below for details)

I like to call my reviews, musings. I'm typically on the short side of reviews. I joke that I'm an impressionist reviewer. I don't rehash or summarize much- that's what the book jacket/the blurb is for. Here is my rating system: 


For Reviews, Cover Reveals, Guest Posts, Excerpts, ETC

I prefer HTML because sometimes my blog is very busy.

If you send me a Media Kit, I may change some of the colors or format (but not necessarily the content) to fit the look of my blog.

I'd like the PROMO materials about ONE WEEK ahead of time for any scheduled promotion on my blog.

Please note that I cannot promise that yours will be the top post. That said I typically have all posts on my blog live between 0500 and 0600. 

Even if I don't place something on my blog, I may agree to share to Facebook and or other social media. 

I always try to share my blog posts on my companion Facebook page and Twitter. 

Twitter - @born2readbooks

I reserve the right to refuse the promotion if I feel the content or materials are in any way (at least in my opinion) vulgar or offensive. 


Please send all requests to me via my email:

Please include:

* Type of post requested

* Date(s) of promotion requested

* General book information 

Thank you for your consideration
