So I have just finished reading The Trouble With Cowboys by Melissa Cutler. As posted in my previous blog, it was chosen for my book club.
Told you it had one of those covers.
A showstopper. An eye-catcher. Enough to make you want the book. Plus the model looks older. What I mean by that is way too many times when a male model's face is featured (in addition to his body) , especially when it is a full on front face, they look, UM...teenage 21ish. Can you say EWW. I'm nearly twice that age. Don't want to have baby faced men on my book covers thank you very much- ESPECIALLY when they aren't close to that in age in the book. But I've gone off topic. This is a fab cover and the male actually resembles the age of his character.
You know a book is good when you find yourself thinking about reading it(even you aren't) and thinking about it when you are done. Ms.Cutler has a cinematic writing style. In plain English- she has a way with words that makes everything come alive and roll like a movie through your head.
The lead characters Amy and Kellan are well developed and their interactions are believable. Plus, I thought I was the only one that got hot and bothered over nice knives. This book has the perfect mix of heat and heart.
I am looking forward to the next book in the Catcher Creek series even if it's a long wait...however I'm excited to try out Ms. Cutler's romantic suspense titles from Harlequin.
Do yourself a favor and take the trouble to track down The Trouble With Cowboys - it's well worth it!
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