Jingle Books

I love Holiday books, don't you?

The hard part is actually waiting til the day after Thanksgiving to read them. Most years I cheat and start one on Turkey Day but never before. I'm just  glad the holiday is early this year.

Some years, the publishing world puts out so many titles I want, it's hard to choose. Other years, pickings are so slim it's kinda sad.

This year I'm sitting pretty. In fact, I'll probably have too many. And because I am a bit compulsive (okay A LOT) I already have certain books targeted for T- Day, Christmas Eve/Day and New Years Eve/Day.

I usually pack away what I didn't read from the year(s) before and often forget.  So for me, it's like an yearly present opening that storage tub and finding Christmas books stuffed inside. Do I always get to them? Nope. But it's nice to have them.

So here's hoping that your own stash of Holiday themed books bring you a smile this season.



  1. I love holiday books. So much fun to read and a great way to get into the holiday.


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