When my best friends and I decided on this topic(1998 or older) I thought to myself I knew exactly what I was going to pick.
Then I started really thinking. There are so many- too many to choose from. However I am going to pick just one of my favorites- after all the topic for a single book.
So I present to you from September of 1996(far left original cover, and shown next reprinted HC cover and reprinted paperback cover). And just so you know, this was the book that first came to my mind and I stuck with it!
I love books with dogs and Fred is such a character in this book. Plus the heroine is older the hero. This book has heart and humor and I've re-read it over and over(in fact I'll probably go and re-read it very soon).
Part basset, part beagle, all Cupid...can a matchmaking hound fetch a new love for his owner?
For Nina Askew, turning forty means freedom - from the ex-husband whose career always came first, from their stuffy suburban home. Freedom to have her own apartment in the city, freedom to focus on what she wants for a change. And what she wants is something her ex always vetoed - a puppy. A bouncy puppy to cheer her up. Instead she gets...Fred.
Overweight, smelly and obviously suffering from some kind of doggy depression, Fred is light-years from perky. But for all his faults, he does manage to put Nina face-to-face with Alex Moore, her gorgeous, younger downstairs neighbor.
Alex looks great on paper - a sexy, seemingly sane, surprisingly single E.R. doctor who shares Fred's abiding love for Oreos - but a ten-year difference in age, despite his devastating smile, is too wide a gap for Nina to handle. Ignoring her insistent best friend, some interfering do-gooders and the ubiquitous Fred - not to mention her suddenly raging hormones - Nina thinks that anyone but Alex would be a better bet for a relationship. But with every silver-haired stiff she dates, the more she suspects it's the young dog-loving doctor she wants to sit and stay!

Jenny Crusie is the NYT bestselling author of twenty some novels and lots of other stuff. Her latest novel, Maybe This Time, hit shelves in August, 2010.
Jenny lives on the Ohio River where she often stares at the ceiling and counts her blessings.
And CLICK BELOW to check out what my best friends and fellow bloggers picked as their Oldie but Goodie:
Ann- Romancing the Readers
Karen-The Many Faces of Romance
I like a few of her books too.
ReplyDeleteShe has a wicked sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteYup! Fred is a hoot in this book. I couldn't pick Welcome to Temptation- it wasn't old enough. But you gotta love the water tower in that book.