Hello Readers!

Welcome back to another Book Club Thursday. 

This week we are talking about series books.  For me it seems almost all the books I find are books that are part of a series in some way. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating and I do typically only read certain books.....BUT......

I'm not saying that I don't like series books. I do. However, I am so far behind in so many. And these days, many authors that write the series books-especially if they are more than a few books in- write them so CONNECTED it's impossible to jump in mid-stream and not be lost.

For the most part, I'm  far behind in  many of the series books I follow. But there are a few that ended that I felt cheated with. I realize that maybe there are times a series has run it's course for the author and I've also read some series that have gone on too long. I'm  understanding enough to know that sometimes series end but I expect closure. But sadly, just like in life we don't always get that either.  

In truth, it's a pretty smart idea for an author to write a series.What better way to guarantee your fans will keep buying. HOWEVER, I have a  big problem when an author starts off in mass market in the series then gets moved to HARDCOVER. If you're a collector(like me), that's enough to seriously piss me off. I'm happy for the author and all but still....  

I purposely did not mention any series or authors, however if you'd like to leave a comment about any series (ended or ongoing)please leave a comment below and I'd add my two cents. 

What did my friends have to say about this topic? 

Find out now:

Ann@Romancing the Readers

Karen@The Many Faces of Romance

And join us next Thursday, 8May, for What Happens at RT, Stays at RT.


  1. I HATE when a series goes hardcover years after the series started. Not fair and if you can't get the hardcover you have to wait 2 years for the next installment. fanwho helped put

  2. I agree about the hardcover part. There is nothing that makes me madder then when it happens. I will no longer buy them in hardcover just because I feel a need to read them. I wait till the paperback come out.


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