Thanks for checking out this week's topic - All About Sex. So pardon any puns, or to the point language about this subject matter.

For the purpose of my blog today, I'll be mainly focusing on SEX as it pertains to romance novels.
In today's market, if you're the type of reader that wants something more explicit, you can look for the EROTIC ROMANCE or EROTICA labeling on a book. And many times small press, independent or author direct published books are where you will find the MORE explicit stuff. Plus sometimes you really can judge, the content at least, a book by it's cover.
In fact, RT Book Reviews Magazine (monthly publication reviewing hundreds of books), has a section devoted to erotic releases and will pretty much give you an idea if the book includes any M/M , F/F or menage scenes, Bondage or the like. Also the general romance review sections have a "heat" index so you can get an idea if something is "Mild" to a "Scorcher".
I don't normally seek out a book based on it's sexual content. Sure there have been times I've read OR tried to read something(Fifty Shades) to see what the fuss was about, or because a reviewer said it was "filthy" but many times I find my opinion to differ drastically from that of the reviewer. No big thing. Not that there's anything wrong with big things!
I'll go off topic for a moment and say that although I do not agree in any way shape or form that Fifty Shades deserves the level of success it has gotten (much better authors have done it for years and years prior without the kudos they deserved at the time) AT least now those authors are finally getting the recognition they deserve.
I'm not a prude or easily offended. And to be honest, lots of times I SKIP the sex scenes in a book. Especially if they are long or numerous or seem thrown in. I don't read my books for that reason. I primarily read them for the story and the connection between the characters.
Other than dated books, which at the time were written using certain words or "purple prose" for body parts (manhood/womanhood- etc etc) and the sex act itself, I prefer my my author to be no nonsense about it (although using penis and vagina aren't as sexy as cock and pussy they are better than some of the other terms out there- and the list is long).
I'll end my post here today with mentioning one of my very favorite erotic paranormal romances. It's well worth the read!

Patricia was startled when she found a handsome and wounded man in her antique store-but her interest was truly aroused when she saw his well-muscled back sporting two wings. He was Nico, son of a powerful deity, breaker of hearts, and cursed by the goddess Hera to spend eternity as a slave to female desire-drained, used, and cast aside time and again as a sex god. With Patricia, for the first time in three thousand years, he's looking forward to paying his dues. Now, if she could only free him...
Jennifer Ashley/Allyson James
Author Blog- Jennifers Romances
I'd love to hear what you think about this week's theme or hear about some of your favorite "sexy" reads.
Don't forget to check out what my best friends had to say by visiting:
Ann@Romancing the Readers
Karen@The Many Faces of Romance
And come back next week 19Jun14 for another great giveaway featuring Paige Tyler. Trust me you are going to want to read this sexy paranormal romance in this exciting new X-OPS Series. You can also check out my blog review(don't worry it's short!): Her Perfect Mate
I like you idea's on the subject. I love the Allison James book. I still keep up with her newer ones.
ReplyDeleteNice article. I liked the Allyson James books and wished there were more.
ReplyDeleteI wish there had been more too!