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Ash and Eve were high school sweethearts who were very much in love. But fate intervened and they were torn apart when Ash got an opportunity of a lifetime to become part of an up-and-coming hard rock band called Oblivion.
He went away on tour and the band ultimately became very successful. Eve stayed back at college to make the most of her scholarship and complete her business studies degree. They tried to make their relationship work long-distance, but were unsuccessful, leaving them both devastated and heart broken. Neither of them ever got over each other.
Seven years later they have a surprise chance meeting, neither of them can deny the strong pull they still have towards each other and they can’t resist the sizzling chemistry that continues to exist between them. They decide to try and rekindle their relationship.
This is a story about the fun times that Ash and Eve have rediscovering each other, but it’s also about the struggles and challenges of them trying to merge two very different lifestyles. What obstacles will be thrown their way? And will they be able to make it work this time or will history repeat itself and tear them apart again?
Warning: This story is a rock star erotic romance. It contains hot rock stars, sizzling sexual encounters and language that you would expect from heavy rock musicians used to a life of sex, booze and rock and roll.
Excerpt #1
excerpt is from when Ash and Eve first see each other again after seven years
of being apart:
It’s a little after 2am and there’s
a knock at my office door. Jim, our Manager of Hotel Security pokes his head
inside. He has a cheeky smirk on his face as he tells me that we’ve had people
complaining about the racket our penthouse guests are making. He knows that
telling-off noisy guests is not a favorite part of my job, but Oblivion,
the rock group that’s occupying our entire penthouse floor has a reputation for
causing trouble, so we need to get up there and sort it out pronto before the
problem escalates.
I quickly touch up my lip gloss,
tidy my hair, straighten my suit and then follow Jim across the hotel lobby to
the elevators. I feel a shiver of dread course through me, my heart starts to
beat ridiculously fast and I can feel the blood rushing to my head. I shouldn’t
be so nervous, I’ve had plenty of experience telling guests to keep the noise
down. But the reason why my nerves are on high alert has nothing to do with
telling-off guests and everything to do with the fact that that I thought I
would never come face-to-face with ‘him’ ever again. As the elevator
slowly moves up to the 23rd floor, I go through the same old memory that
I’ve replayed in my mind maybe a million times over the past seven years. The
one where Ash Miller, my old high school sweetheart and the sexy lead guitarist
of the heavy rock group Oblivion, broke my heart. My tummy’s in knots so I
take a few deep breathes to try to calm myself down. He will never remember or
recognize me anyway, so I’m pretty sure I’m panicking over nothing.
As the elevator gets close to the
penthouse floor, I can already hear the music and partying. The doors open and
there’s heavy music blaring, empty bottles everywhere and crowds of people
hanging around in the smoky haze of the hallway or in the open rooms. The
majority of the crowd are very scantily clad women or black-clothed men that
look like they’ve come straight out of a heavy metal music video! We ask
where the person in charge is and are directed to the main penthouse suite. Jim
and I push our way through the throng of people to make our way down the
We walk inside and as we pass one of
the bedrooms I glance inside. I gasp, there’s a couple of close-to-naked girls
making out enthusiastically on the king size bed, three guys are watching them
intently while casually sipping their beers. The girls are putting on quite a
show – they obviously have no shame! I’m no prude, but I’m so far out of
my comfort zone it’s not funny.
We head towards the lounge area
which comprises of a couple of leather couches and a few comfy chairs that are
pulled around a low coffee table. A few guitars are propped up around the place
and there are lots of bottles and glasses scattered everywhere. Five guys are
lounging around relaxing and enjoying their drinks. I recognize them all as
being members of Oblivion. Some of them have girls perched on their knees
who are nibbling on their necks and stroking their thighs suggestively.
Jim clears his throat and in his
deep voice booms, “Who’s in charge around here?” All five heads snap up
and their eyes are suddenly entirely focused on us. “He is!” they all say in
unison as they each point to one another. They start snickering, thinking that
they’re being funny.
Jim and I take a few steps closer.
“I’m Jim Matterson, Hotel Security, and this is Eve Hanson, she’s the Night
Manager. We’ve had a few complaints from other guests about the
Before Jim finishes his sentence, one
of the five abruptly stands, scuttling the scantily clad floosy that had been
on his lap onto her ass on the floor. This makes the other four laugh riotously
as the girl snarls and skulks off towards the kitchen. The offender isn’t
laughing though, he’s blatantly glaring straight at me. Those familiar sapphire
blue eyes feel like they’re burning directly into my soul. The air crackles
with electricity between us. I suddenly feel very hot and flustered! My
traitorous body betrays me as it instantly remembers and reacts to the sexy
rock god who’s attention is now solely fixated on me. I can feel my nipples
hardening and I hope like hell my suit jacket is concealing my reaction. I
squeeze my thighs together to try and alleviate the throbbing in my panties. It’s
been seven years but the attraction is still instant and immense. His eyes are
burning with desire, or is it shock? Time stands still as we blatantly assess
each other. Gradually the laughter from the other band members dissipates. Then
Ash takes a determined step towards me and declares, “That’s not Eve, that’s my
fucking Angel!” My stomach plummets. He does recognize me.
“What the hell man, you’re not that
drunk.” one of the other guys says as he stands and pushes Ash back down onto
the couch. The guy sitting next to Ash slaps him up the back of his head and
scowls at him. I recognize the guy that pushed Ash down as Scott, the lead
singer. Scott looks at me apologetically, “Sorry Eve, whenever Ash gets drunk,
he thinks every pretty brunette is his old high school sweetheart.”
Ash clumsily struggles to stand up
again as he protests, “No shit man, this is my Angel, I’m telling you.”
“Sit back down you jackass.” Scott
says as he roughly pushes Ash back down into his seat again.
Jim takes a menacing step forward.
“Look, just keep the volume down okay or we’ll have to kick you out.”
“Yeah, as if.” one of the other guys
“Please guys, just keep it down.” I
plead. My head is reeling. Ash recognizes me. Shit, Shit, Shit!
Scott looks at me with sincerity in
his eyes. “We’ll turn the volume down, no problem Eve.” He emphasizes my
name and scowls at Ash. “Look sorry about Ash’s little outburst, as I said,
when he’s drunk, he thinks every pretty brunette is his long lost love.”
He rakes his eyes over me suggestively and tilts his head, “… and you’re
brunette…and you’re definitely very pretty.”
“That’s okay.” I say shrugging my
shoulders while trying to give the impression of being much more calm and
collected than I feel. “Besides, my full name is Evangeline, everyone calls me
Eve, but band boy there always did call me Angel.”
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I do have a full time job, but in my spare minutes I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking and reading. I’m an avid reader and tend to chomp through a large volume of books, mainly in the romance genre. And of course my other major ‘hobby’ is writing steamy rock star erotic romances!
I started writing in early 2014. After spending many years writing business documentation, and constantly being inspired by numerous romance novels, I decided to try my hand at fictional writing. After penning my first scene I discovered that I enjoyed it immensely and so resolved to continue with the rest of the story that was swirling in my imagination. That story resulted in my first novel, Heaven Sent.
My Oblivion on Tour Series follows the five band members of the hard rock group Oblivion. Each book in the series follows a different band member and their quest for love. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.
Find Tania Here
Oblivion on Tour #2
Coming Feb 27th, 2015
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