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Lindsay McKenna
Releasing Nov 11th, 2015
Blue Turtle Publishing
Chief Wyatt Lockwood is fascinated by Marine sniper Captain Talia Culver. But
she wants nothing to do with him after learning of his reputation as a
heartbreaker. The cocky Texan refuses to take the hint and keeps placing
himself in Tal’s path. When she agrees to help him tend to needy families in an
Afghan village, she learns there’s more to this SEAL than meets the eye. But is
she strong enough to risk having her heart broken again?
Wyatt can’t
stay away from the beautiful, surly Marine. Tal is fascinating—and
frustrating—and he is determined to crack through her tough exterior and get to
know the soft woman he knows lurks beneath the surface. When he joins Tal on a
sniper mission in the Afghan mountains, their bond continues to grow. But the mission
takes a dangerous turn. Has he lost his chance with Tal forever?
Tal snuggled into his arms, feeling
him hold her more tightly and kiss the top of her head. “You
are a very, very tough male to ignore, no question.”
She nuzzled his shoulder with her
cheek. “But
you were always a bright spot in my life, whether you knew it or not. You were
so assertive about wanting me, showing up at least once a month, that I was
afraid to let you know I enjoyed your humor and your interest.”
“Because,” Tal sighed, “I
was afraid you’d hound and chase me down like a
target if you knew I liked you.”
His mouth twisted. “I
wouldn’t have done that to you, Tal. You have
to know me well enough by now.”
know it now, Wyatt. I didn’t then.”
Wyatt studied her closely. “So
that’s what was really behind you sending
me away?”
She snorted. “I
didn’t send you away, Wyatt. I just never
let you in.”
it want you want, darlin’, but
every time you saw me waltz in your direction, you got this dark look, snarled
like the alpha-female Anatolian leopard you are, hissed at me, and slunk away.”
“Oh, poor baby, Lockwood.” Tal managed a choked laugh. “How
did we ever transcend all those awful things I did to you and wind up here in
my bed?”
got me,” Wyatt said smugly, giving her a
satisfied look. “Maybe you just couldn’t resist my larger-than-life Texan
self and you finally let me wear you down. With you, I knew I had to go big or go home.
It was an all-or-nothing deal.”

did you finally let me in, Tal?”
wore me down!”
She looked up, a “gotcha” grin on her face.
It was Wyatt’s turn to snort. “Oh, give me a break!”
She slid her hand across his chest,
the soft, dark curls moving between her exploring fingers. “You
kissed me. That’s what did it.” Her voice dropped in warning.
“And don’t start
congratulating yourself again.”
But he was. She could see that male
pride alive and well in his gray eyes, in that cocky smile of his. “Why
not?” Wyatt goaded, kissing her cheek and
nose. “I’m probably the world’s best kisser. You have to admit
yes, you are,” Tal agreed, her hand stilling over
his magnificent heart.
Wyatt cradled her in his arm, meeting her
gaze. “Tal, we’ve known
each other for three years now. So maybe your feelings for me were on the back
burner of your heart, but they were always there, always simmering . . .”
she said grumpily, “with
you showing up all the time, how could I ever forget you?”
couldn’t, darlin’, and that was part of my long-term strategy with you. I knew you
were a cautious, conservative kind of woman. A woman who didn’t just arbitrarily hand out her heart
to any passing country bumpkin. Matt told me it took a year for Brian to win
you over and that you had very few relationships, because when you did, it was serious
and long-term.”
He slid his fingers across her cheek.
plan was to remain in your gunsight, not too far away, but not too close,
either. I figured I’d know when you were ready to have
that next serious relationship. And when you did? It was going to be with me.”
She stared up at him. “You’re a real chess master. You know
you. I’d like to think so. It worked, didn’t it?”
Wyatt met her smile. Sliding his hand
down her long, beautiful back, he caressed her, kissed her, and held her. He heard Tal purr, and he liked that wild-woman feline
in her. “So?” he asked, nibbling teasingly on the
shell of her ear. “Will you marry me, Talia Anatolia
Culver? Don’t you think three years is a long
enough engagement? Can I get an answer out of you now?” He dipped his head, holding her
amused, sparkling green gaze.
should marry you just because you’ve waited
so long,” Tal agreed, curving her lips against
his smiling ones, hearing him groan, his arms tightening around her, his mouth
taking no prisoners. It was a deep, loving kiss that turned her inside out with
hunger and need for him all over again. When they came up for air, staring at
one another, she
whispered, “Yes . . . I’ll marry you, cowboy . . .”
time,” Wyatt laughed, kissing her hard,
keeping her a prisoner against his body and within his arms.
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McKenna lives her
life as a risk taker, and it shines through the books she loves to write:
romance, adventure and suspense. She started writing at age thirteen and
continues to hone her writing skills to this day. She sold her first romance novel
in 1981. The rest is history.
Because she went into the military,
this experience became the backbone of her writing—she is credited with writing
the first military romance novel (Captive of Fate, 1983, Silhouette Special
Edition) and has created a thriving sub-genre within the romance field! As a
New York Times Best Selling author, she has sold 23 million books and in 32
foreign languages in her career thus far. Her many experiences in the U.S. Navy
are backdrop for her understanding of the military in general, and also her
very successful Morgan’s Mercenaries, which is an ongoing series in Silhouette
to this day! Forty-five books strong!
Lindsay has gone Indie in 2015 and
has created a new family saga on par with Morgan’s Mercenaries It is known as
the DELOS SERIES. There will be paperback and eBooks created under Blue Turtle
Publishing, her company for her fans. Readers who love Morgan and his family
are bound to fall in love with the Culver family. Delos is romantic suspense,
which Lindsay is well known for. It took her five years to create and bring
DELOS to her readers. It was worth the wait, but we’ll let you decide that.
Lindsay loves to hear from her
readers and loves to know what they’d like to see her write next. Stay up with
the latest on the Delos Series here. Please visit her Web site at
www.lindsaymckenna.com. And be sure to sign up for her free quarterly
newsletter. It contains exclusive content found nowhere else on the Net. Plus,
giveaways and other surprises, to her loyal and faithful subscribers!
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The Prequel Novella to NOWHERE TO HIDE
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