Title: Chosen Soldiers
Author: R.H. Scott 
Release Date: February 9, 2016 
Publisher: Harper Voyager 
Genre: YA Dystopian/Thriller 
Format: Ebook/Paperback

After the missiles tore up the Earth, societies crumbled, leaving scattered patches of humanity struggling to survive. Slowly, a group came together, helping each other regrow a world worth living in.

And then the Others attacked.

Realizing the need to truly protect themselves, they formed the Academy: a place where young people could be built into an elite military force. The training is intense…and so are the consequences for failure. Sloan Radcliffe is not a failure.

In fact, she’s the best of the best—the girls’ Senior Champion—and the only one who can match her is matched to her: her betrothed, Jared Dawson. They are the perfect couple: exemplary fighters, pure leaders, and exceptional role models. But as their time at the Academy draws to a close, Sloan is starting to see signs that maybe their life is built upon secrets…and that secrets are never a strong foundation.

With the battlefront looming and whispers growing louder, Sloan is caught up not only between her loyalties to her people, but also to the man she loves.

 A combination of military sci-fi and dystopian thriller, R. H. Scott’s Chosen Soldiers is an intense look at a young woman’s world shattering under the weight of its own illusions.

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R.H. Scott, born 1991, has spent the better part of her life travelling with her mother and sisters. Having lived on three continents by the age of 21, she developed a unique interest in differing societies and psychology. Scott completed a Bachelor of Arts Sociology & Socio-Legal Studies and is currently working on her MSc Experimental Psychology. The granddaughter of two published authors, writing has been a lifelong passion, and outside of her academic endeavors, Miss Scott writes full time, enjoys spending time with her family, travelling, and reading.



Tour Schedule

Monday, February 8 - Book featured at Reader Girls
Thursday, February 11 - Book featured at Born to Read Books
Friday, February 12 - Book featured at Hot Off the Shelves
Monday, February 15 - Interviewed at The Review From Here
Tuesday, February 16 - Guest blogging at Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile
Wednesday, February 17 - Interviewed at Literal Exposure
Thursday, February 18 - Book featured at Bound 2 Escape
Friday, February 19 - Book featured at CBY Book Club
Monday, February 22 - Book featured at Rambling Reviews
February 23 - Interviewed at I'm Shelf-ish
February 24 - Book reviewed at Wishful Endings
February 25 - Interviewed at PUYB Virtual Book Club
Monday, February 29 - Book featured at A Title Wave
Wednesday, March 2 - Book featured at Ali the Dragonslayer
Thursday, March 3 - Book featured at Around the World in Books
Friday, March 4 - Interviewed at Voodoo Princess
