Thanks for stopping this week for our
The purpose of which is to well...clear off our book shelves LOL
My best friends (your Book Club Thursday Bloggers) and I got tired of staring at our to be read mountains of books. If you're visiting my blog, I bet you can relate. So...we decided to do something about it. We came up with a themed list to pick a book from each month to...you guessed it...clear off our book shelves. The only rule is the book must be at least six months old. For a list of these themes, and other information about what we blog about on Thursday(s), please visit the tab at the top of my blog page. And without further ado...
I picked: Read a Hardcover

The morning after her birthday, Hazel boards a flight to L.A. only to get the surprise of her life: she's sitting next to her all-time biggest celebrity crush, rock star Finn Schiller! Only the night before, Hazel had confessed her infatuation with the gorgeous musician, and her boyfriend joked that she had a free pass if she ever met him. Even more unbelievable is that during the flight they genuinely connect.
What started as a far-fetched fantasy quickly becomes a real attraction, and after a dream date and taste of the rock-star life with Finn in L.A., Hazel is forced to reevaluate everything. Hazel couldn't forgive herself if she just walked away from her wildest dream come true. But is her wildest dream the stuff that happiness is made of?
Since I'm kind of flighty with my books-I often go over the top with my excitement to get/read a book, only to find that once I put said book(s) in my hands...yeah...I don't read it. And that's what happened with Rock Star. Until I finally pulled it off my book shelf for this month's pick.
First and foremost, this first person narrative is not what I would call a romance but then again, it's not even billed as one. The cover jacket itself says "A Novel". What the book is filled with is snark, and a completely real heroine in Hazel. She's likable but then not. And that's a good thing.
The idea of book was a good one but the romance reader in me had a hard time accepting Hazel's behavior. But once I got over that, and if you read this book you need to keep telling yourself that, it's a well written read.
I mean come on-how many of us, given the chance would start a relationship with our dream/fantasy person(whether or not you yourself were currently involved?)? Anybody recall that Friends episode with Rachel and Ross and their "free pass" list of celebrities?
That's the heart of this book. Hazel is involved with Wylie and dreaming of their future when that hypothetical question, in a very round about way is discussed with some friends. She soon learns that Wylie is about to propose and basically gets cold feet, and takes off on a business trip where...you guessed it...she meets her fantasy Finn(hence the book's title).
She and Wylie take a break so she can explore her relationship with Finn. I won't say much more less I ruin anything. What I liked about this book was it both young and mature at the same time and was very nostalgic for me.
I'm glad I cleared my book shelf by choosing this title, and I'd like to read it again someday to see how different I might feel, or if I missed anything the first go round.
Want to read about what my best friends said? Don't forget to check out the links at the bottom of my blog.
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