Enter to Win a Print Set of
Sara's Independence Falls Series, including,
Second Shot #1
Sara Jane Stone
Releasing March 8th, 2016
Avon Impulse
years ago, Josie Fairmore left timber country in search of a bright future. Now
she’s back home with a mountain of debt and reeling from a loss that haunts
her. Desperate for a job, she turns to the one man she wishes she could avoid.
The man who rocked her world one wild night and then walked right out of it.
Marine Noah Tager is managing his dad’s bar and holding tight to the feeling
that his time overseas led to failure. The members of his small town think he’s
a war hero, but after everything he’s witnessed, Noah doesn’t want a pat on the
back. The only thing he desires is a second chance with his best friend’s
little sister.
determined to hold onto her heart and not repeat her mistakes, but when danger
arrives on Noah’s doorstep and takes aim at Josie, they just might discover
that sometimes love is worth the risk.
Chapter 1
“I drove to the wrong bar.”
Josie Fairmore stared up at the unlit sign towering above
the nearly vacant parking lot, her cell phone pressed to her ear. Nothing
changed in Forever, Oregon. Everything from the people to the names of the bars
remained the same. The triplets, who had to be over a hundred now, still owned
The Three Sisters Café downtown. Every car and truck she’d sped past had the
high school football team’s flag mounted on the roof or featured on the bumper.
And her father was still the chief of police.
changed. That was why she’d left for college and never looked back.
She’d blown past the Forever town line ten minutes ago.
She’d driven straight to the place that promised a rescue from her current
hell. And she’d parked under the sign, which appeared determined to prove her
“Josephine Fairmore, it is ten-thirty in the morning,”
Daphne said, her tone oddly stern for the owner of a strip club situated
outside the town limits. “The fact that you’re at a bar might be your first
Damn. If the owner of The Lost Kitten was her voice of
reason, Josie was screwed.
“When did they take the “country” out of Big
Buck’s Country Bar?” Josie stared at the letters above the entrance to the
town’s oldest bar. She twirled the key to her red Mini that looked out of place
beside the lone monster truck in the lot. She should probably take the car back
to the city. The Mini didn’t belong in the land of four wheelers, pick-ups, and
logging trucks. The red car would miss the parking garage.
But I can’t afford the parking
garage anymore. I can’t even pay my rent. Or my bills . . .
Buck gave in three years ago,” Daphne explained, drawing Josie’s attention back
to the bar parking lot. “He decided to take Noah’s advice and get rid of the
mechanical bull. He wanted to attract the college crowd.”
“He got
rid of the bull before I went to college.” And before his son left to join the
United States Marine Corps. She should know. She’d ridden the bull at his going
away party.
then she’d ridden Noah.
Buck made a few more changes,” Daphne said. “He added a new sound system and—”
changed the name. I guess that explains why Noah came home.” She glanced at the
dark, quiet bar. The hours posted by the door read Open from noon until the cows come home (or 3am, whichever comes
served for five years and did two tours in Afghanistan. Stop by The Three
Sisters and you’ll get an earful about his heroics,” Daphne said. “But from
what I’ve heard, Noah didn’t want to sign up for another five. Not after his
grandmother died last year.”
seen him?” Josie looked down at her cowboy boots. She hadn’t worn them since
that night in Noah’s barn. She’d thought they’d help her land the job at the
“country” bar. But now she wished she’d worn her converse, maybe a pair of
“At The
Lost Kitten?” Why, after all this time, after she never responded to his
apologetic letter, would she care if Noah spent his free time watching women
strip off their clothes? One wild, stupid, naked night cut short by her big
brother didn’t offer a reason for jealousy.
But the fact that I told him I love
him? That might.
“No. I
bumped into him at the café.” Daphne hesitated. “He didn’t smile. Not once.”
she asked quietly. She couldn’t imagine walking into a war zone and leaving
without long, lasting trauma. The things he probably saw . . .
Daphne said. “But he’s not jumpy. He just seems pissed off at the world. Elvira
was behind the counter that day. She tried to thank him for serving our country
after he ordered a burger. He set a ten on the counter and walked out before
his food arrived.”
left his manners in the middle east.” Josie stared at the door to Big Buck’s.
“Might hurt my chances for getting a job.”
think your lack of waitressing or bartending experience will be the nail in the
coffin. But if Noah turns you down, you can work here.”
rather keep my shirt on while I work,” Josie said dryly.
And he won’t turn me down. He
promised to help me.
that was before he turned into a surly former marine.
make more without it,” Daphne said. “Or you can tell the hospital, the
collection agency—whoever’s coming after you—the truth. You’re broke.”
“I did.
They gave me a payment plan and I need to stick to it.” She headed for the
door. “I ignored those bills for months. Besides what kind of mother doesn’t
pay her child’s medical bills?”
The kind who buried her son
twenty-seven days after he was born.
didn’t say the words, but Josie knew she was thinking them. Her best friend was
the only person in Forever who knew the truth about why she was desperate for a
paycheck. If only Daphne had inherited a restaurant or a bookstore—a place with
fully clothed employees.
“He has
to agree,” Josie added. “I need that money.”
know.” Daphne sighed. “And I need to get to work. I have a staff of topless
waitresses and dancers who depend on me for their paycheck. Good luck, Josie.”
She ended the call and slipped her phone into the bag slung over her shoulder
alongside her wallet and resume.
She drew
a deep breath. But a churning feeling started in her belly, foreboding,
threatening. She knew this feeling and she didn’t like it. Something bad always
Her boyfriend headed for the door
convinced he was too young for a baby . . . Her water broke too early . . .
tried the door. Locked, dammit.
the warning bells in her head telling her to run to her best friend’s club and
offer to serve a topless breakfast, she raised her hand and knocked.
on a sec,” a deep voice called from the other side. She remembered that sound
and could hear the echo of his words from five long years ago, before he’d
joined the marines and before she’d gone to college hoping for a brighter
future—and found more heartache.
Call, email, or send a letter. Hell,
send a carrier pigeon. I don’t care how you get in touch, or where I am, if you
need me, I’ll find a way to help.
He’d meant every word. But people changed. They
hardened. They took hits and got back up leaving their heart beaten and wrecked
on the ground.
glanced down as if the bloody pieces of her broken heart would appear at her
feet. Nope. Nothing but cement and her boots. She’d left her heart behind in
Portland, dead and buried thank you very much.
The door opened. She looked up and . . .
Oh my . . .wow . .
gained five pounds—well, more than that, but she’d lost the rest. She’d cried
for weeks, tears running down her cheeks while she slept, and flooding her eyes
when she woke. And it had aged her. There were lines on her face that made her
look a lot older than twenty-three.
Noah . . .
gained five pounds of pure muscle. His tight black t-shirt clung to his biceps.
Dark green cargo pants hung low on his hips. And his face . . .
On the
drive, she’d tried to trick herself into believing he was just a friend she’d
slept with one wild night. She’d made a fool of herself, losing her heart to
him that night.
Never again.
made a promise to her broken, battered heart and she planned to keep it. She
would not fall for Noah this time.
But oh
the temptation . . .
short blond hair still looked as if he’d just run his hands through it.
Stubble, the same color as his hair, covered his jaw. He’d forgotten to shave,
or just didn’t give a damn. But his familiar blue eyes left her ready to pass
out at his feet from lack of oxygen.
stared at her, wariness radiating from those blue depths. Five years ago, he’d
smiled at her and it had touched his eyes. Not now.
His brow knitted as if he’d had to search his memory for her name. His grip
tightened on the door. Was he debating whether to slam it in her face and
pretend his mind had been playing tricks on him?
Noah.” She placed her right boot in the doorway, determined to follow him
inside if he tried to shut her out.
back,” he said as if putting together the pieces of a puzzle. But still no hint
of the warm, welcoming smile he’d worn with an easy-going grace five years ago.
guess you didn’t get the carrier pigeon,” she said, forcing a smile. Please let him remember. “But I need
your help.”
The Second Shot series is your second
with Avon Books, what is your favorite part about starting a new series?
(The character development? World Building? Etc.)
SJS: First, let
me just say that I love writing sexy stories set in timber country. And I’m so
thankful that Avon allows me to follow the characters and find the story. The
first book in a new series always sets the tone for the series. And it never
leads where I initially expected. That certainly held true for the Second Shot
series. I didn’t anticipate the suspense element until Caroline walked into the
To be honest, I
don’t develop my characters. They just walk into my imagination and start
talking. And the story unfolds around them. I’ve tried following strict
outlines. But in general, I prefer to follow the characters. They show me their
(And wow,
reading over that, it sounds a little crazy. As if I’m sitting at home talking
to imaginary people all day . . .)
You have written romances in small towns
and in large cities, do you have a favorite setting for a series? Do you
find one easier to write, or more fun?
SJS: I love
writing series set in Oregon Timber country. Both the Independence Falls books
and the Second Shot stories are set in small towns that share many similarities
with where my husband grew up. This part of this country is completely
different from where I was raised in southern Florida. The first time I visited
Oregon I walked away in awe of the land’s natural beauty. I’m also fascinated
by the timber industry.
And no, one is
not easier or more fun to write. The easiest story is always the one I’m
revising. And that one tends to be the most fun too. Until the next one hits
that phase of the processJ
Noah and Josie have quite the abrupt
ending to their secret rendezvous in RUNNING WILD, the free novella which kicks
off the Second Shot series. Did you know ahead of time that they were
going to be former lovers or did that "event" take shape after you
began writing SERVING TROUBLE?
SJS: I knew from
the beginning that this couple would be former lovers. I’ve wanted to write
Josie Fairmore’s story the past four years. She’s a character who walked into
my imagination before I sold my first book and never left. But it took a while
to find her perfect hero.
Most of my
stories feature military heroes or heroines. With the Second Shot series, I
wanted to write about couples that met before the hero joined the armed forces
and continued when he returned. I truly believe that time and life experiences
change people. And sometimes it allows for a second chance at loveJ
Did you have to do any special research
on the "Mechanical Bull Ride Scene"? (hee hee)
The short
answer—no. But there are two funny stories about this scene.
First, I was writing
the early draft of Serving Trouble
and realized that the story was a little different from my original pitch to my
agent and editor. So I reached out to my agent and let her know. My agent read
the first few chapters. She liked some of the “cowboy” elements and the bar
setting. But somehow the follow-up phone conversation led to an
I-need-an-X-rated-mechanical-bull scene. Fast forward a few months and I was on
the phone with my agent again. We were talking about the mechanical bull
scenes. (Yes, plural. They continue in Serving TroubleJ) I told her something she said gave me
the idea. There was a moment of silence followed by: “what did I say?”
Then there was
the time a close friend at Avon wrote and asked if my husband inspired the
mechanical bull scene. I jokingly told him that he should ask my husband the
next time he saw him. I then explained to my confused love, who does not read
my books, that he might receive a few questions about sex on the back of a
mechanical bullJ
How did the Second Shot Series come
Four years ago
this March, before I sold my first book, I was pacing my apartment in Brooklyn.
My daughter, who was born premature and very little, was only a few months old.
And she cried every night from about 8pm until midnight. So I would put my son
to bed and then walk laps around my bedroom with the screaming baby. The
walking seemed to help a bit even though she still cried. At some point during
my paced, Josie Fairmore (she had a different name at the time, but the same
character) walked into my imagination.
A few weeks
later, I stared writing. I sat down at my computer whenever the kids napped. I
wrote the first hundred pages of Josie’s story and sent it to my agent. She
pointed out all of the problems. I kept working on it. Eventually, I sold
another book. Then I another and another. But Josie was still there, waiting
for her hero. It wasn’t until I met Noah while writing the Independence Falls
series that I thought maybe—maybe he’s just right for Josie.
So I wrote up a
proposal for a new series and sent it off to my agent and editor. Avon accepted
and I proceeded to write Josie’s story. Once I went back and looked at the old
pages that I initially sent my agent, but I started Serving Trouble from
scratch and followed Josie’s lead.
Who's head do you more enjoy being in,
your hero or heroines? Does it change with each story?
Both honestly.
It depends on where I am in the story. I can generally feel when I should
shift. If I’m having trouble writing a scene from one perspective, then I
switch. I’ve found if I trust my
instinct it usually works out.
Do you have a favorite book of all you
have written? Do you have a favorite couple?
No. I love the
book I’m revising at the moment. Never the first draft. That always feels horrible.
But once I’m taking it apart and putting it back together, tinkering until it
feels just right—that’s my favorite. Until I reach that stage with the next
I don’t have a
favorite couple. But Josie is my favorite heroine. I’ve spent the most time
with her. And Chad Summers from Hero By
Night will always be my favorite hero. He was so much fun to write. And oh
so hotJ
What's next in the Second Shot Series or
from you in general?
In April, I’m
releasing the third installment in my Sin City SEAL series. And in June,
STIRRING ATTRACTION will come out. I’m super excited to share Dominic and
Lily’s story. (I’m revising this one now, so it is my favorite at the momentJ) This story starts in a different place
than my previous stories. It opens with a bang in more ways than one. There is
also more suspense to the plot. And Dominic has some of my favorite lines. Even
his thoughts blew me away. He returns battered and broken from his time with
the Army Rangers. And he’s gone this bearded, long haired
look . . .sigh. I hope readers are ready
to fall in love with Dominic tooJ
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Make sure to pick up RUNNING WILD,
the FREE Prequel Novella
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