My name is Cyndi and I'd like to thank you for stopping by for another round of book talk on Book Club Thursday (BCT).

Each week myself and two best friends (Ann and Karen) blog all about books or book related themes. To learn more about each of us and BCT please click here

This week's theme is: 

This theme is just like it sounds. Each of us needed to pick a book ,at least six months old, from a list of themes that we made(the above link will take to you to the BCT page where you can read all about the themes). 

As I mentioned before, I fell behind in my participation and keeping up on what I did read, so my choice may be a repeat. 

Anyways my pick was: 


So what did I read:

Live fast, fight hard and if you have to die then take as many of your enemies with you as you can. That is the Amazon credo and it was one Samia lived and died by. Now in contemporary New Orleans, the immortal Amazon warrior is about to learn that there’s a worse evil coming to slaughter mankind than she’s ever faced before.

Shapeshifter Dev Peltier has stood guard at the front of Sanctuary for almost two hundred years and in that time, he’s seen it all. Or so he thought. Now their enemies have discovered a new source of power- one that makes a mockery of anything faced to date.

The war is on and Dev and Sam are guarding ground zero. But in order to win, they will have to break the most cardinal of all rules and pray it doesn’t unravel the universe as we know it.

I recall a time when I could not wait for a new (Dark Hunter)book by Ms. Kenyon.  In fact, on more than one occasion my BFF's and I stood for hours at her book signings .

I can't quite place exactly why(okay, that's a bit of a lie;maybe I can) I got so far behind with her books.

In the years that I haven't read Ms. Kenyon I've since discovered J.R. Ward and Kresley Cole(to name a few). Two more brilliant authors.

So when I read No Mercy, I felt...a bit disconnected for lack for a better way of putting it. 

Now for sure I enjoyed No Mercy. In fact I quickly read it and then the book that followed it-Retribution(not one of my favorites by her).  

I think that by waiting so long I wasn't invested in this world as much as I was many years ago. And after reading such complex meaty detailed books but Ward and Cole, Ms. Kenyon's books seemed...oh I don't know lighter? More fluff? Again, I can't quite describe it.

I really did enjoy No Mercy. In fact I think Samia and Dev are two of my favorite characters that Ms. Kenyon has written about. Each have heart breaking back stories. And as always, Ms. Kenyon is adept at writing a fast paced intriguing book that delves deeper into previously set up story lines. And as always she continues to have great secondary characters.

All in all, No Mercy was an enjoyable read in this series. 

