My name is Cyndi and I'd like to thank you for stopping by for another round of book talk on Book Club Thursday (BCT).

Each week myself and two best friends (Ann and Karen) blog all about books or book related themes. To learn more about each of us and BCT please click here

This week's theme is: 

Our free days are exactly like they sound. Each of us can blog about what ever book/reading related theme/ideas we want to. 

I truly am at a lost for today. Many things I'd like to chat about are coming soon on BCT. I will say that I can't believe it's the end of 2016. 

I've read some really great books this year and some real clunkers.

So even though I've mentioned this theme before, I'm going to recycle it especially since I've just recently experienced this back to back.

Is there/are there any authors that you use to LOVE that you somehow maybe aren't as crazy about anymore?

I just recently read three Sherrilyn Kenyon books pretty much back to back; one of which I blogged about recently (read blog post here ) and liked.

The other two Retribution (enjoyed Sundown and the Native American aspects but HATED Abigail and certain plot points) and The Guardian (just...yeah...) were not my favorites.  

So I'm curious if they are any authors you have "broken up" with so to speak? Did you take a permanent break or just a few steps back?

I've got two more Kenyon books on my shelf to read, Time Untime and Styx. The page count (almost 1000 )and font size of Styx kind of scares me. However I really liked Acheron a prior Kenyon title with smaller font and about 800 plus pages. I know I'm in the minority with liking Acheron and maybe Styx won't be that bad? (wishful thinking?)

I'm really heartbroken that these might be the last two books by Ms. Kenyon I'll ever read. She was always one of "those" authors for me.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this topic and any of Ms. Kenyon's books (especially the titles I've mentioned here today).

December 15th: Review: Dog Tags- Anthology 
