book club thursday-remember when


Thanks for stopping by. My name is Cyndi and each week, myself and my two best book friends forever Ann and Karen jointly blog together on Book Club Thursday (BCT). To learn all about BCT please click here

If you're a regular reader, you are going to see some fresh changes to each of our BCT blogs for 2017. We are very excited and hope you will participate in our events. 

This week rolls out a new theme. The first Thursday of each month we are presenting a theme called Remember When. Each of us will be recalling or remembering a particular book related theme from the past (not necessarily blog posts from BCT).

This theme sounded so easy when we here at BCT came up with it. There's so much...yet...

Yeah, even a break didn't inspire me. So I took another one and...

Remember When there was a used book store on every corner?

Okay, I'm exaggerating.

But there was a time when there were about half a dozen used book stores(UBS) within a hour's drive of me and my BFF's. Now...maybe there's just one?

I think Amazon and other online sites are the reason, at least partly, for the demise of the UBS which sucks. There was nothing like taking those road trips (and yes when Ann, Karen and I got together to used book shop(or go to book signings-for more on that see below), it was ALWAYS a "road trip"  LOL).

I always seemed to find something I was looking for and plenty that I didn't know I wanted. Or that I had forgotten about. Especially those "hidden gems" that I read back in the 80's (when I was a young teen and first read "adult" romances).

You can't shop online for used books like you can in an actual store. Plus at least in person I always knew what I was getting book condition wise. I could physically see what I was buying. I've been burned a handful of times buying used books online but I've been lucky/pleased most of the time. Still, I miss my book road trips.

In fact my BFF's and I once went to a UBS far enough away that we had to stay overnight in a hotel. If I'm recalling it was a "book barn" in Sandwich IL.

In the same vein, talking about this makes me remember when book signings were more common too. Even those it seems have all but dried up here in the Midwest (and I'm not referring to Romantic Times or Lori Foster's get together because in my opinion those are both in a class by themselves).

I've got stories and memories galore (fun times and some embarrassing ones to boot- don't let me drive when I'm hungry and have PMS right Ann, Karen? LOL)

So maybe I should ask you-

What's the farthest you have driven for a single author book signing?
How about waited in line?

What's the farthest you have driven to specifically shop at a used book store?

I'd love to hear from you and don't forget to include the author(s) and books.

January 12th: Clearing Off the Book Shelves
