book club thursday- reading challenge


Thanks for stopping by. My name is Cyndi and each week, myself and my two best book friends forever Ann and Karen jointly blog together on Book Club Thursday (BCT). To learn all about BCT please click here

If you're a regular reader, you are going to see some fresh changes to each of our BCT blogs for 2017. We are very excited and hope you will participate in our events. 

This week we have: 

These weeks consist of each of us reading a themed book from one of our challenge lists and I picked from: 


Read a book published before 2010
Read a book with a wedding
Read a book published in the month (not year) you were born
Working Girls  
Read a book set in your home state
Read a book that includes nature on the cover
Read a book with a cover that you really don’t like (ugly)
Read a book you once gave up on
Read a book with a clever title
Read a book that takes place in Winter
Read a book that includes a Holiday
Read a book set in/around New Orleans
Read a book with a “Food” word in the title
Read a book that includes a food item on the cover
Read a book with a seasonal word in the title

and I picked: 

Read a book published before 2010

Six people sit down to a sumptuous meal at a table laid for seven. In front of the empty place is a sprig of rosemary—"rosemary for remembrance." A strange sentiment considering no one is likely to forget the night, exactly a year ago, that Rosemary Barton died at exactly the same table, her beautiful face unrecognizable, convulsed with pain and horror.
But then Rosemary had always been memorable—she had the ability to arouse strong passions in most people she met. In one case, strong enough to kill. . . .

This book was previously published under the title of Remembered Death in 1945 (how's that for a pick prior to 2010! LOL)

I haven't read Ms. Christie since I was in school and then, only a handful of required reading titles. 

I admit that back then I was probably too immature/young to understand how brilliant her writing was. So I am very happy I picked this book to read. This is a stand alone title - no Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot.

Although I had a majority of the mystery figured out, there was still a surprise thrown in. It's a nicely paced and plotted mystery and deceptively in depth for it's short page count and formatting.    

We the reader, never really get to know Rosemary exactly but, for me at least, her death still feels a bit sad (as what I did find about her wasn't exactly all that nice). 

Ms. Christie also has a smart touch with characterizations, nicely (or not so) developing the players.  There is also some wry wit and a touch of the fantastical here that I really enjoyed. 

I plan on seeking out some her of back list books and would LOVE some recommendations. I'd love to hear your favorites by her and if you've  Sparkling Cyanide what your thoughts were. 

Although Ms. Christie passed away in 1976, there are plenty of communities to learn /talk about her and her writing. 

June 1st : Remember When 
