remember when


Thanks for stopping by. My name is Cyndi and each week, myself and my two best book friends forever Ann and Karen jointly blog together on Book Club Thursday (BCT). To learn all about BCT please click here

If you're a regular reader, you are going to see some fresh changes to each of our BCT blogs for 2017. We are very excited and hope you will participate in our events. 

This week we have:

These weeks are when each of us "remember when" (about) something book related or themed. 

I'm at a loss - like really, I'm chiding myself- is that really new? LOL

I'm doing my Snoopy Happy Dance because as I stepped away to write in what I call my "Snapshot" book, I gave myself my idea!

So I'm asking: 

Remember When: 

You first wrote in a journal/diary? 

My first one was "The Judy Blume " Diary. I was in sixth grade and it was a Christmas gift. Sadly, I lost track of it over the years but I do have boxes of other journals/diaries from over the years. 

I currently call my journal /diary- my "Snapshot" book. A few prior books were called my "Happy" book, the goal of which was to only write positive happy daily things in it BUT... I bitched and moaned just as much I was "happy" so my new book was dubbed "Snapshot" as in a snapshot of my daily feelings. 

I try to only write a few sentences and I pick books sized well enough to allow me to paste in photos , stickers and cut-outs of things.

I like pulling older ones off my shelf and flipping to random days to see what my mood was on that day. And, believe it or not, there are handfuls of entries that mention books I'm reading. I've just recently started up a book journal too and have been really good at sticking with it despite past failed attempts.

I'm really particular about finding cute books that appeal to me and have the features I like - particularly a ribbon or band to mark my place. 

I'd love to see any pix of your journals and to hear what you write about - daily thoughts? When the mood strikes? Do you stick photos/stickers or the like in there (like I do). Do you journal about books you read? And lastly - any favorite places to buy them?

I keep thinking of trying to design my own but I'm just so-so on the crafty aspect - seriously a kindergarten child could draw a better free-hand line than I could with a ruler!  LOL 

September 14th

Clearing Off the Book Shelves 
