My name is Cyndi and welcome to Book Club Thursday (BCT). Each Thursday me and my two best friends Ann and Karen blog about book related themes/topics/subjects. You can learn more about BCT by clicking here or visiting the links at the bottom of the page.
If you're a regular reader, you are going to see some fresh changes to each of our BCT blogs for 2017. We are very excited and hope you will participate in our events.
This week we have:
Recently I took a step away from reading strictly romance, however as a favorite cartoon character of mine says, "I'm back baby."
As the twin to Acheron, Styxx hasn't always been on his brother's side. They've spent more centuries going at each other's throats than protecting their backs. Now Styxx has a chance to prove his loyalty to his brother―but only if he's willing to trade his life and future for Acheron's.
There are two sides to every story.
And you don't know Styxx…
The Atlantean goddess of Wrath and Misery, Bethany was born to right wrongs. She owes Acheron a debt that she vows to repay, no matter what it takes. He will join their fellow gods in hell and nothing is going to stop her. But things are never what they seem, and Acheron is no longer the last of his line…Meanwhile, Styxx is faced with a desperate decision: To save the world, he can either join forces with the brother who betrayed him or battle the only woman who has held his heart. Which will he choose? The real fight for survival is about to begin…
I am so happy I finally read this book for many reasons.
First- I'm way behind. Or should I say was...
Second - it's just over 1000 pages. Yes you read that number right. 1000 pages
Third- I love her books and was missing them. Did I mention the page count?
As much as I really enjoyed this book...
You feel very single page. It was just too much.
It's heart wrenching. Heart. Wrenching.
Again, I really did enjoy it but it could have been half it's length and not really lost anything in the story line. The first 700 plus pages are told in the past (as in 11,000 years ago and change). It's repetitive at times and a tad off (I don't how else to put it).
It's very light on the humor and romance. This is more of an epic /saga novel. But I'll repeat myself. I still really liked it. Especially once the story picks up with Styxx in modern times.
There is quite a bit going on in this novel and new plot points and secrets are revealed in the last 400 pages or so.
I have more to say, but can't really - too much to spoil!
I'll end with the fact that I liked Styxx enough that I then read Son of No One and I am also currently in the middle of Dragonbane.
Confession time- I'm in love with a certain dragon whose book is Dragonmark(and yes I'll be reading that next too!)
First- I'm way behind. Or should I say was...
Second - it's just over 1000 pages. Yes you read that number right. 1000 pages
Third- I love her books and was missing them. Did I mention the page count?
As much as I really enjoyed this book...
You feel very single page. It was just too much.
It's heart wrenching. Heart. Wrenching.
Again, I really did enjoy it but it could have been half it's length and not really lost anything in the story line. The first 700 plus pages are told in the past (as in 11,000 years ago and change). It's repetitive at times and a tad off (I don't how else to put it).
It's very light on the humor and romance. This is more of an epic /saga novel. But I'll repeat myself. I still really liked it. Especially once the story picks up with Styxx in modern times.
There is quite a bit going on in this novel and new plot points and secrets are revealed in the last 400 pages or so.
I have more to say, but can't really - too much to spoil!
I'll end with the fact that I liked Styxx enough that I then read Son of No One and I am also currently in the middle of Dragonbane.
Confession time- I'm in love with a certain dragon whose book is Dragonmark(and yes I'll be reading that next too!)
October 19th: Getting to Know Us
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