book club thursday - remember when


Hello and welcome. My name is Cyn and each week myself and my best friend Ann from Romancing the Readers  blog about book related themes on something we call Book Club Thursday. To learn more click here  otherwise-

This week is our Remember When. Simply put we are each recalling something from the/our  book related past.  When we came up with the idea it seemed like it would be simple. NOT.

So for the last Remember When of the year and since it's December- I've gone back and looked at some of my past December BCT posts and included links to my favorites below.

Although I bought ALL of these, I read all but two , and my favorite was probably the Amanda Quick:

Wanted 2017 Books

And here's some books I wanted back in 2016 , of the three I featured, I only read two of them:

Wanted 2016 Books

YIKES!  Although I did buy all of these, I plead the fifth on what I read!  LOL:

Wanted 2015 Books

Here are two I featured for 2014- bought/read both:

Wanted 2014 Books

If you check back on December 28th, I'll be featuring some books that I want for 2018!

And again- don't forget to visit Ann to read all about her Remember When moment(s). 

December 14th: Clearing Off the Book Shelves 
