book club thursday: getting to know us:spotlight on

Welcome Readers

My name is Cyn and each week we (me and my BFF Ann from  Romancing the Readers) blog all about books and book related topics on something we call Book Club Thursday(BCT).  Learn more about me and BCT here

Our feature today is:

This week we are blogging about what we like to call "WTF" moments relating to books. 

Things like: 

When covers do not match up with the book: hate it when characters are WRONG or if a serious book has a light-hearted cover or vice versa.I mean come on. Cover art should be the easiest thing. I will say that the self published books I have read have not fallen prey to this - at least not to my recollection. 

When a series just ENDS without any resolution: I get that publishers may drop a series. Or the author dies (RIP). But what about those series when the author just doesn't finish it but still writes other series/genres!   

When books change suddenly formats:YIKES! Sorry, but yeah, I'm one of those readers. I like my books (again I'm talking about series titles) to all match! LOL 

I could go on, but you get my points. Again I know, in reality, the things I am having a "WTF" moment about are not things, typically that is, that an author can be held accountable for. 

I'd love to hear about any book related "WTF" moments that irk you and hop on over and visit my BFF to get to know her! 

March 8th

Thursday Rewind: Golden Oldie
