Welcome Readers
My name is Cyn and each week we (me and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers) blog all about books and book related topics on something we call Book Club Thursday(BCT). Learn more about me and BCT here
Our feature today is:
This feature is when we each feature an old BCT from each other, in case, you know- you missed it! LOL
I picked this one because, first of all , it's from 2014! LOL But seriously, it's one of those topics that as reader, either bugs you or not - take a look- and don't forget to drop some comments below.
Welcome back to our Book Club Thursday. We are so glad you could join us again! Today we are talking about mistakes in books. Or things we think of as mistakes. What do you think?
Does it bother you when you're reading the back of the book and they talk about "Suzy" being tall and blond but when you read the story she isn't called "Suzy" at all? Or when that blond hair turns brown? Sometimes little things like this can drag you out of the story. It's hard not to stop and look at the back cover and think...what just happened? I remember one of my friends talking about how she was reading a book and the guys name changed for a few chapters, then went back to the original. Do you just think to yourself, "stuff happens" or do you think to yourself "I paid good money for this book"!
How about when the author takes license about where a iconic building is located?
Would it bother you if you are reading a book that is based in Arizona and have a character make mention that they work at the "Wills Tower aka Sears Tower" Would it bother you that it should be in Chicago, not Arizona? Or do you feel that they have the right to change things like that? After all...it's fiction? How about the Eiffel Tower being in Indiana? Are these "Mistakes" okay because we believe authors have the right to have some license when writing? Or should they away stick with the facts?
My Thoughts
I don't seem to mind when author take license with putting a building in a state that it doesn't belong. I like to see what they come up with. But it doesn't bug the crap out of me when I read a story and the characters name changes or their looks are now different. I understand things happen, I just don't have to like it. What about you? Doesn't any of what I talked about bother you? We'd love to hear your thoughts.
August 16: Riddle Me
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