happy release day

Welcome Book Lovers

That sounds better than book haters now doesn't?  LOL 

This feature was previously called "on my radar". I've changed it to "happy release day" because

a) Maybe I'll buy/maybe I won't

b) Most books are released on Tuesday, so most of my picks are released the same day I'm posting this blog (if not - I'll let you know). 

c) Books deserve a Happy Book Day!

As always, I'd love to hear what books are on your must buy list for the week or what thoughts you have about my choices. 

Today Octover 9th: REALLY????

I'm starting to sound like a broken record but...

I could not, for the life of me, find anything to feature this week and I just spent about an hour looking- I'm sure I'm missing something... but ah well...

I think part of the problem is I no longer have a go to publication or website that's accurate (please I'd love for some accuracy!) each month that previews the upcoming releases- ah how I long for the days of RT Book Reviews magazine...

I'd love to hear what books are on your must buy list today so drop me a line below. 
