carpe librum
What a great thought...seize the book!
Each Friday, myself and my BFF Romancing the Readers feature a favorite book of ours- so don't forget to check in with her.
I always thought my pick today needed a follow-up!
It's a kick ass novel with so much to enjoy!
Aging death-metal rock legend Judas Coyne is a collector of the macabre: a cookbook for cannibals...a used hangman's noose...a snuff film. But nothing he possesses is as unique or as dreadful as his latest purchase off the Internet: a one-of-a-kind curiosity that arrives at his door in a black heart-shaped box...a musty dead man's suit still inhabited by the spirit of its late owner. And now everywhere Judas Coyne goes, the old man is there—watching, waiting, dangling a razor blade on a chain from his bony hand.
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