carpe librum
Welcome, book lovers. How could you not want to seize the book! LOL
My feature today will typically feature books on my radar:
a) That maybe I'll buy/maybe I won't
b) Most books are released on Tuesday, so most of my picks are released the same day I'm posting this blog (if not - I'll let you know).
c) Books deserve a Happy Book Day!
January 8th
Ms Kendrick is one of my favorite women's fiction writers and she returns to Black Dog Bay in this novel. Plus I am a SUCKER for books with dogs.

This book is about a group of teens that go camping in 1983, only one disappears...30 years later her body is found...this kicks off a new series and sounds so good (I'm LOVING mystery/thrillers right now)

If I remember correctly, this will be the last book in the series - which centers around survivors from a cult.

I was lucky to have won a copy of this months ago (my review posts Jan 12). If you love Gothic/atmospheric novels in the tone/style of VC Andrews (the original one) I think you'll dig this.

January 8th
Ms Kendrick is one of my favorite women's fiction writers and she returns to Black Dog Bay in this novel. Plus I am a SUCKER for books with dogs.


If I remember correctly, this will be the last book in the series - which centers around survivors from a cult.

I was lucky to have won a copy of this months ago (my review posts Jan 12). If you love Gothic/atmospheric novels in the tone/style of VC Andrews (the original one) I think you'll dig this.

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