sunday spotlight

carpe librum 

seize the book - what a perfect thought! 

welcome book lovers

Each Sunday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be featuring /shining the spotlight on a book.  Maybe it's a book we read and loved or maybe it's something we can't wait to read or...well you get the idea!

We also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Fridays (various features).

Today my feature is:

ARGH July is so far away...

but since the first book came out in 2017 and I've been waiting for a follow up since then...LOL

If you’ve ever been a room parent or school volunteer, Jen Dixon is your hero. She says what every class mom is really thinking, whether in her notoriously frank emails or standup-worthy interactions with the micromanaging PTA President and the gamut of difficult parents. Luckily, she has the charm and wit to get away with it—most of the time. Jen is sassier than ever but dealing with a whole new set of challenges, in the world of parental politics and at home.
She’s been roped into room-parenting yet again, for her son Max’s third grade class, but as her husband buries himself in work, her older daughters navigate adulthood, and Jen’s own aging parents start to need some parenting themselves, Jen gets pulled in more directions than any one mom, or superhero, can handle.

but not until July 23...sigh...
