book club thursday - getting to know us

carpe librum 

seize the book

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 
Today is: 

last month RTR and myself each interviewed each other (i asked her the questions below) so this go around, i'm answering them. 

i'd love to hear any thoughts about your own feeling regarding the questions.

Name one of the biggest clunker books that you have ever read and why . This can be -in whole OR  in part-  and include  if  you’d  still tend recommend it or not .

Ugh- I HATED the heroine in this book. She has to be one of my top five. She does something so utterly deplorable to the hero that I still can’t wrap my mind around it. The hero and book itself were otherwise fine. I’d recommend it with the above forewarning – plus I’d love to see if others agreed with me! Oh – the book is Be Very Afraid by S.K. McClafferty .

Many times in the front or back of an author’s book, there will be a “coming soon” blurb and or excerpt (etc)- define what  “coming soon”  means to you and do you enjoy this tease/taste

LOVE them! Although sometimes it stinks…it makes me want the book, like yesterday! LOL  And “coming soon”  to me, means about six months NOT a year (as many times that’s what it is! )

 Do you think authors (or their reps/assistants) should be more proactive /on top of social media  as in websites , facebook , twitter etc?

Plain and simple- without a doubt.  There are enough ways to promote and update readers/fans that even if only an author used ONE social media medium they could keep us informed. They don’t need to post daily, but if they use Facebook/Twitter etc , a post once a month is kind of useless.

Do you think there is a marked difference in the tone of many of the books published today compared to the past decade (10 yrs)

Again- without a doubt.  My answer here will tie in to my response below.  I use to be a die- hard romance only reader. Although I still read and love both paranormal and historical romances, I’ve pretty much stopped reading almost all contemporary ones (with the exception of a few favorites). The tone, age and attitude of (some of ) the characters is just not appealing to me anymore.  Again- I said SOME and NOT all. I get books need to be reflective of current times regarding technology and current events but that is not necessarily what I am referring too.  

If you could only read one sub-genre from your favorite genre of fiction books from this point forward, what would it be (Example Romance/ Historical )

Fiction and the thriller/suspense/mystery genre. I know I took a liberty there with that pretty broad based answer!  LOL

Now stop over at RTR to see her own "interview" 

march 21

throwback thursday 


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