book club thursday - reading challenge

carpe librum 

seize the book

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 

Today is: 

Reading Challenge dates feature a review of a book that must meet/fit one of our “challenge” themes (we each will pick three challenges from the categories below and also complete our Must Do list):

Book Cover features

One you don’t like
Mis-match (cover doesn’t fit the book)
Trifecta (cover, title, blurb fit perfectly)
Single Person
Body Parts

Clearing Off the Book Shelves


An author whose books you are 2+ behind on
Any new to you author
Start a new series
A book you’ve had for six months or less
A book you’ve had for over a year
A book you’ve had for over five years
A book you keep meaning to read

Must Do

Read any Someday…Sunday you featured

Read any Friday or Sunday book featured by the other blogger  

Reader’s Choice

     Anything Goes
     Just Because
     Double Dip
     Recommended by
     Re read
     Second Chance  
     Try Again
     I really tried, but…        


my challenge pick 

read - A book you keep meaning to read

Ellie Mack was the perfect daughter. She was fifteen, the youngest of three. She was beloved by her parents, friends, and teachers. She and her boyfriend made a teenaged golden couple. She was days away from an idyllic post-exams summer vacation, with her whole life ahead of her.

And then she was gone.

Now, her mother Laurel Mack is trying to put her life back together. It’s been ten years since her daughter disappeared, seven years since her marriage ended, and only months since the last clue in Ellie’s case was unearthed. So when she meets an unexpectedly charming man in a cafĂ©, no one is more surprised than Laurel at how quickly their flirtation develops into something deeper. Before she knows it, she’s meeting Floyd’s daughters—and his youngest, Poppy, takes Laurel’s breath away.

Because looking at Poppy is like looking at Ellie. And now, the unanswered questions she’s tried so hard to put to rest begin to haunt Laurel anew. Where did Ellie go? Did she really run away from home, as the police have long suspected, or was there a more sinister reason for her disappearance? Who is Floyd, really? And why does his daughter remind Laurel so viscerally of her own missing girl?

question time:

why the hell did it take me so long to discover Lisa Jewell? 

i bought Then She Was Gone in hardcover shortly after it came out but never read it- i kept meaning to read it but it disappeared into the madness that has become my book collection (books EVERYWHERE- stacked with no real order- and yes it is driving me NUTS- yet i've done nothing to solve it  LOL ) 

when her most recent book was due out, i pre-ordered it (Watching You) then became obsessed with finding my copy of Then She Was Gone. 

lucky for me i found it.

Then She Was Gone was a brilliant book. the pacing and the style of the writing were a tad, gothic maybe? shades of agatha christe, perhaps? yet it moved quickly...i know, i know...that's almost the complete opposite of what i just said. 

and i just could not put this book down. 

the characters were mostly all likable and realistic. 

this book broke my heart yet was also hopeful. the only thing...there was a plot point that left me scratching my head as it was not fully explained. 

i was such a huge fan that even before i finished it, i bought a prior book of Ms Jewell's and read it right after. 

and yes, in case you are wondering, i still need to read Watching You! LOL

to see her challenge pick 

april 4th 

trivia thursday 


  1. It happens that we place a book somewhere and can't find it within the rest of the books. I do it all the time. The sucky part is when you buy it again then find it. Nice review.


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