carpe librum
seize the book
I think about books and book related quotes, jokes, comics, items get the idea...quite a bit.
So in the spirit of that here is mind full monday... as in my mind is always full of books and nosy about books! LOL
Is there one in your opinion?
Or one that's close?
I'm typically NOT a fan because, well let's face it- Hollywood just can't leave things the same sometimes when they adapt a book into a movie (whether it's for TV, straight to DVD, or the big screen). And yes, I get simplifying for time's sake NOT drastically alerting things.
So go ahead- sound off...
Is there one in your opinion?
Or one that's close?
I'm typically NOT a fan because, well let's face it- Hollywood just can't leave things the same sometimes when they adapt a book into a movie (whether it's for TV, straight to DVD, or the big screen). And yes, I get simplifying for time's sake NOT drastically alerting things.
So go ahead- sound off...
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