sunday spotlight

carpe librum 

seize the book - what a perfect thought! 

welcome book lovers

Each Sunday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be featuring /shining the spotlight on a book or book related themes.  Maybe it's a book we read and loved or maybe it's something we can't wait to read or a burning question we have...well you get the idea!

We also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Fridays (various features).

Today my feature is:


i'm referring to extra things an author adds to their book such as:

recipes the characters may have cooked

playlists of songs either the author or characters love/inspired by 

drawings or photographs or news articles (real or fictional for all of the above) as plot devices

you get the idea...

are you a fan?

do you read or pay attention to these things or just glimpse or by pass them? 

personally i am huge fan- and my mind set is, if it was important to author to some of the stuff is kind of fun and i've picked up some great recipes! 
