sunday spotlight

carpe librum 

seize the book - what a perfect thought! 

welcome book lovers

Each Sunday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be featuring /shining the spotlight on a book or book related themes.  Maybe it's a book we read and loved or maybe it's something we can't wait to read or a burning question we have...well you get the idea!

We also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Fridays (various features).

Today my feature is:

i'm curious about what you think of books published in another language that are then translated into english for publcation. 

have you found any distinct winners, or clunkers? 

i personally have only read a handful - and have been lucky over all. 

although sometimes i wonder if the person doing the translation speaks with the author because the conversion is just plain awkward. i get it- if the author is dead, this is impossible- probably LOL - kidding! LOL
