wtf friday

carpe librum 

Welcome book lovers. Each Friday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be briefly featuring various book related topics.

We also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Sundays (sunday spotlight).

Today's feature is called wtf friday as in that made me go wtf - LOL 

these things make me go wtf on a regular basis  LOL

and i have my opinions along with some hypothetical questions 

small font size: the manuscript is a zillion pages and the small font size makes the page count lower because you know, READABLE font would make the print book like a 1000 pages and i mean who wants to read that LOL

spacing and margins (usually with a much larger font but not always): the manuscript is a hundred pages, and who wants to buy a 30 page print book

okay - so YES, i'm exaggerating some but you get my point - right LOL 

i suppose that's a huge plus to reading with an e-reader- you can control some of those 

so drop me a line a two below about this wtf moment
