book club thursday - free day

carpe librum 

seize the book

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 

Today is: 

myself and RTR are blogging about whatever the heck we want today.


today i am curious- what, if anything would make STOP reading an author you really loved/enjoyed? 

if you found out that female author you adored was really a male, would you keep reading?  or if that male was really a female? 

how about if you found out the author you loved suddenly used a ghostwriter? 

how about if they were accused of and it was proven they had plagiarized another author? 

or what about if they were arrested and found guilty of a heinous crime -i'm not talking a dui or petty theft but something more like murder,domestic abuse/battery, harm to child/sex offenses or a hate crime? 

and lastly - what about if you learned that their morals and beliefs (some authors are VERY vocal about their personal lives on social media)greatly differed from yours?

lots of food for thought, huh? lol

i can say for me, deal breakers would be: if they were found guilty of plagiarism  or if they were found guilty of a heinous crime(or any as listed above) probably (probably...) stop me from reading and buying ---UNLESS the author never again received a dime from their published works with any future earned money instead going to a fund/cause (example in jail for murdering the spouse, the proceeds go to domestic abuse groups) 

have i made any sense? i know i had quite a bit on my mind this week  LOL

to see what's on RTR's mind: 

Romancing the Readers 


april 18th

thursday throwback


  1. If they stole someone else work I wouldn't read them again. Period. The few male authors that had written under female names I figured out and didn't care for so I didn't continue to read them. If they change genres I will most likely give up. Or for historical's if they change to a time period that doesn't call to me.


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