book club thursday - reading challenge

carpe librum 

seize the book

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 

Today is: 

Reading Challenge dates feature a review of a book that must meet/fit one of our “challenge” themes (we each will pick three challenges from the categories below and also complete our Must Do list):

Book Cover features

One you don’t like
Mis-match (cover doesn’t fit the book)
Trifecta (cover, title, blurb fit perfectly)
Single Person
Body Parts

Clearing Off the Book Shelves


An author whose books you are 2+ behind on
Any new to you author
Start a new series
A book you’ve had for six months or less
A book you’ve had for over a year
A book you’ve had for over five years
A book you keep meaning to read

Must Do

Read any Someday…Sunday you featured

Read any Friday or Sunday book featured by the other blogger  

Reader’s Choice

     Anything Goes
     Just Because
     Double Dip
     Recommended by
     Re read
     Second Chance  
     Try Again
     I really tried, but…        


my challenge pick 

read a book with a cover you don't like 

Though the two women live just a few doors apart, a chasm lies between them. The actress, a celebrity with a charmed career, shares a gleaming brownstone with her handsome husband and three adorable children, while the recently separated narrator, unhappily childless and stuck in a dead-end job, lives in a run-down, three-story walk-up with her ex-husband’s cat.

As her fascination grows, the narrator’s hold on reality begins to slip. Before long, she’s collecting cast-off items from the actress’s stoop and fantasizing about sleeping with the actress’s husband. After a disastrous interaction with the actress at the annual block party, what began as an innocent preoccupation turns into a stunning—and irrevocable—unraveling. Immersive and darkly entertaining, Looker is a searing psychological portrait of obsession.


that cover kind of disturbs me...

and maybe that's the point of it. as indeed it perfectly fits this novel.


do not let this slim book (approx 192 pp) fool you. 

it's packs a HUGE punch - and then some, truth be told.  i've actually got the goose bumps as i type this. 

this novel reminded me of a noir film/Alfred Hitchcock.

how can i both love and despise our female narrator...and to say more ruins things...and okay...mostly despise but still!  LOL  

may 2nd:

thursday trivia

now take a peek at RTR's challenge pick:


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