sunday spotlight

carpe librum 

seize the book - what a perfect thought! 

welcome book lovers

each Sunday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be featuring /shining the spotlight on a book or book related themes.  maybe it's a book we read and loved or maybe it's something we can't wait to read or a burning question we have...well you get the idea!

we also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on fridays (various features).

today my feature is:

 i LOVE bookmarks! 

yes these some of my favorites 

but i'm a little quirky with them - i don't care for tassels, ribbons or the like.  in fact i've got many bookmarks with an empty hole punch at the top because i've removed them!

i also use TWO bookmarks in my book- one to mark the place I am actually stopped at and the other to mark at a further place in - for example the chapter closest to the next the hundred pages or a part 2 or other similar division. 

one of my favorite bookmarks is my orange leather bookmark from coach with a little photo window in it. 

i'd love to hear about any favorite or unusual bookmarks you own!
