wtf friday

carpe librum 

welcome book lovers. each Friday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be briefly featuring various book related topics.

we also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Sundays (sunday spotlight).

my wtf post today relates to the conditions of books

i'm one of those readers that will select the best copy of a book from the shelf in a store when i'm buying it (don't most of us do that? LOL) so my wtf is when NONE of the copies are pristine...


that's actually the drawback with ordering books and having them delivered - more than once i've gotten a copy of something that resulted me calling customer service to bitch about a book with a bent or torn cover.

so i'm curious are you as picky as me?

if your copy came damaged would you call for a replacement or let slide?

so drop me a line a two below about this wtf moment or your very own...
