wtf friday

carpe librum 

welcome book lovers. each Friday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be briefly featuring various book related topics.

we also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Sundays (sunday spotlight).

my wtf post today relates to:

i'm sticking to featuring paranormal/horror themes for october...

i'm cheating just a pinch today...

i'm going to talk about book to movie adaptations- focusing a bit more on those by Stephen King (yeah still sticking with the whole horror/paranormal theme) 

i don't mind a content trim but a change...well that pretty much will guarantee a HUGE WTF from me

i don't want or need a what i call a "hollywood ending" - as in people that die in the book don't...

i'd love to hear your thoughts! 
