carpe librum
seize the book
what a magical thought
Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. what a magical thought
Today is:
june 22 2017 - reading challenge
now check in with RTR for her TBT post:
Romancing the Readers
28th november
reading challenge
easy - we each re-visit a prior post from our blogs-
i usually pick an old post at random however today there is a reason i chose this post - last week on BCT i featured this book as my "golden oldie" so here it is again with the actual review
i usually pick an old post at random however today there is a reason i chose this post - last week on BCT i featured this book as my "golden oldie" so here it is again with the actual review
june 22 2017 - reading challenge
now check in with RTR for her TBT post:
Romancing the Readers
28th november
reading challenge
Nice share! I love looking at older reviews.