carpe librum
seize the book
Today is:
think you're book smart? (of course you are, you're reading my blog aren't you LOL) kidding aside- it's time for some book themed trivia. so drop your answer below
~i'll let you know if you're right~
i mention this book every year around the holidays because i love it so much - what it is?
holiday book chat
now play along with RTR
Romancing the Readers
think you're book smart? (of course you are, you're reading my blog aren't you LOL) kidding aside- it's time for some book themed trivia. so drop your answer below
~i'll let you know if you're right~
i mention this book every year around the holidays because i love it so much - what it is?
holiday book chat
now play along with RTR
Romancing the Readers
No clue. I know I should know this.