book club thursday -remembering



Welcome Book Lovers

Carpe Librum 

Thanks for stopping by today for this week's edition of Book Club Thursday (BCT). My name is Cyn and almost everyday of the week (especially Thursdays LOL) myself and Ann from over at Romancing the Readers(RTR)blog together about a variety of things. 


This author is still least I hope (not to be morbid)

Her website and Facebook have not had an update in about one year - at least that I'm aware of...she was suppose to have a book out this Summer that I have been dying for...  

In fact she is one of my favorite paranormal authors- so today I am "remembering" the Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole. 

Anyways - drop me a line about what you are reading and loving, I'd love to hear all about it.


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Throwback Thursday  
