book club thursday



Welcome Book Lovers

Today is Book Club Thursday (BCT) where myself and Romancing the Readers (RTR) blog about various various topics. 


Today I am asking about any traditions that you and or your family has for the season. 

This is a tough one for me to answer for various reasons. But to simplify I will say that since I was a child a Nativity(given to my family from an aunt)was always put up in my house. It has plastic type figures and I remember what a thrill my brother and I putting it up, fussing with where everyone went. LOL My mom probably gave us this task to both occupy us(it was good for at least a hour). Plus since it wasn't considered breakable, it was great for our clumsy little hands. Baby Jesus was always put out right away rather than waiting to appear on Christmas.

When I moved out my mom offered me the Nativity and I took it, and each year I have continued to put it up. 

So drop me a line about any new or old traditions in your house- I'd love to hear. 




Join us 

12/17- TBT
