My name is Cyn and each Friday (not to mention Thurdays and Sundays) myself and my BBFF (the extra B is for book LOL) Ann from over at Romancing the Readers blog together.
Falling Behind
If you are anything like myself or Ann, your TBR pile, mountain, island etc is just like ours. Which means, it's easy to get sidetracked by other books and well fall behind on EVERYTHING...ha ha ha
So today we are talking about exactly that.
So, I'm going to generalize? cheat? with today's post...
I've purchased quite a few anthologies in the last six months. For me, anthologies are a great way to try new authors AND read shorter stories when I'm feeling like I just need something quick (maybe I'm waiting for a pre-ordered book to arrive or the like). And when I read anthologies, I prefer to read ALL the stories from start to finish. Not necessarily until I'm done, but I don't skip around in the book. Needless to say, and you see where I'm going... the amount of half read or unfinished anthologies I own is HUGE hahaha and I have... FALLEN WAY BEHIND
I'd love from you about what books you have fallen behind on, so drop me a comment below.
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