spotlight sunday


Titles We Love 

Welcome Book Lovers

My name is Cyn and each Sunday (not to mention Thurdays and Fridays) myself and my BBFF (the extra B is for book LOL) Ann from over at Romancing the Readers blog together. 


Titles We Love

Just like it sounds, today we are each spotlighting a book title that we love. We typically don't offer much in the way of any explanation as the focus is on just the title of book. I will say that the concept behind this series of books is so much freaking fun!  

Here's my pick - I mean, how could you not dig that title! I haven't read it...yet! 

Hannah and Alanna have a very dirty job, but when the voice comes through the radio, whether rain, sleet, snow, insanity, blood, or body parts, they’re on the scene to collect the pieces…and maybe collect a little more. Tales From the Meat Wagon follows an ambulance and its paramedics as it works through three especially off-putting calls of the impossible, the unlikely, and the downright disgusting.


Romancing the Readers

Return on: 

2/4 for Book Club Thursday
