Free Day
My name is Cyn and each Thursday (not to mention Fridays and Sundays) myself and my BBFF (the extra B is for book LOL) Ann from over at Romancing the Readers blog together.

Just like it sounds, today I'll be running my mouth/blog (HA HA) on whatever the hell I want...
Since I mainly read all genres of Horror right now, I've become a HUGE fan of so many Indy publishers.
In the future, I will featuring more of them but today I'm going to talk about
While I've only ordered two books from them there are so many more up for pre-order on their site I really want!
I'm going to feature both books I just bought.
A little secret first - romance novels were my very first love, just minutes ahead of horror. I was reading adult content books at a very young age(college level reading/comprehension in 6th grade). In fact, I learned to NOT show my mom what I was reading because she had taken books away from me for being too explicit. Can anyone else relate? HA HA HA
I'm still a huge fan of the paranormal romance variety so...yeah I could not resist buying this one.
A horror novel about writing, publishing, and paranormal romance.
Autumn Collins left rehab with medical debt and a new skill: she had a knack for spinning dark sexy yarns of paranormal romance for her rehab housemates. Unable to find a steady job, Autumn self-publishes her stories with moderate success. She attends the Paranormal Romance Awards, hoping to land top agent, Janet Rose, to help her snag a 6-figure dream deal. Despite dwindling sales, her latest novel has been nominated for the Haunted Heart Award.
Also up for the Award is Nora Carpenter, who routinely throws parashade at Autumn on Twitter, and Shira Constantine, a paranormal romance author who based her novel on what she is convinced are real encounters with the spirit of her dearly deceased husband. At the awards ceremony, Shira will unleash something ancient and evil that thrives on dark romance. Autumn and her rivals must work together to survive a hotel that has twisted their stories into an Infernoesque fantasy world.
OH! And lucky me...and lucky someone else...
The other book I ordered is featured & reviewed below. Clash Books was kind enough to send me an extra package of books that actually contained a signed copy of this book featured below (book plate). So I'm going to give that extra copy away to one USA reader-the details are below if interested.
“Filled with grotesque imagery, Russell Coy’s DIMENTIA is a hypnotic and hallucinatory jaunt through a bizarre and sinister alternate realm. There are shades of Cronenberg and Brian Yuzna’s SOCIETY in these pages. Compelling, well-written stuff. Check it out.”Bryan Smith, author of 68 KILL and SLOWLY WE ROT"Russell Coy has crafted a tale that sends you into the throes of happy delirium. A spectacle of intensity guaranteed to thrill."Wile E. Young, author of MAGPIE COFFINAfter giving up on his dream of being a published writer, Chris is plagued by a series of nightmarish visions of grotesque creatures. As the visions manifest with greater frequency they start targeting his young daughter. They are finding their way into his world and only he can fight them. Chris must uncover the truth about his connection to this strange, sadistic realm, and plunge headfirst into the unknown if he wants to save his daughter and himself.
Coy knows how to use his words and this slim book packs a huge punch.
I cared about and rooted for Chris, which for me is important in books I read; being able to connect with characters (either good/evil, hero/heroine or villain etc)can really make or break a book for me.
You know that feeling when you are just about to fall asleep and you are in that in-between world? This book evoked that sort of feeling for me. Or maybe, like me, you have a very active imagination and you are the type to look for hidden images/patterns in EVERYTHING, including the darkness of this book cover. This book delivers on these things. I hope that makes sense? And that ending...Have I peeked your curiosity? I'm evil laughing so like go buy the book!
I can't talk about too much about what I think happened (the why that is)in this book because of spoilers.
All I can say is if you are looking for a wickedly weird piece of fiction then this is the book for you.
Romancing the Readers
Return on:
4/30 for Feature Friday
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Still with me??? LOL
Again- I'm giving away a copy of Dimentia(with some cool stickers/bookmark)to one lucky (sorry-USA resident address only)reader. Just drop me answer below to this question & I'll pick a winner. What is one of your FAVORITE HORROR movies?
Hurry- answer by (this) Monday May 3rd- I'll pick someone on the 4th.
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