book club thursday

This or That Thursday

My name is Cyn and in case you didn't notice-I have a serious addiction to books. Especially all genres of horror. I recently read a quote from Dorothy Allison that sums up how I feel about reading/books; "But I want the [poem or]story to burn me. I want the page to crisp my fingers." 

Each Thursday (not to mention Fridays and Sundays) myself and my BBFF (the extra B is for book LOL) Ann from over at Romancing the Readers blog together. 

Exactly like it sounds- I'm going to ask you a  this or that question and you drop your choice below.

Which book (if you've read them) do you like better? You can also answer for the movies if you want.


Romancing the Readers

Return on: 

5/14 for Feature Friday

I'd love to hear from you so please drop me a note below. 
