book club thursday - throwback thursday

carpe librum 

seize the book

it should be my motto LOL 

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 

Today is: 

Today we each are revisiting any prior/older blog post for one reason or another.

I kind of just closed my eyes and scrolled my cursor over my blog posts and randomly stopped- LOL

Seriously - I had no idea where I'd end up- in fact I did it twice just to have different options and BOTH times I ended up on this post from September 27th 2018-  LOL 

I read this novel for a reading challenge post and although I did enjoy it, I did bemoan the fact that I missed out on the trade cover edition because I LOVE LOVE LOVE it much more that the one on the hardback. 


To see her TBT feature


January 24

Reading Challenge
