wtf friday - 12/27/19

book related things that make me go...WTF 

carpe librum 
seize the books

welcome book lovers. each Friday myself and my BFF Ann from Romancing the Readers
will be briefly featuring various book related topics.
we also blog together on Book Club Thursdays (aka BCT) and on Sundays (sunday spotlight).

this is actually our last wtf post- we are doing away with it for 2020- so in memory of it, i'm looking back at a two wtf posts from 2019

probably the BIGGEST WTF was, ironically the 1st one i posted. this book was suppose
to have been out - and a HUGE deal was about it in the press...and CRICKETS...i have no clue what happened (i can surmise)and can't find info ANYWHERE  1/4/2019

and probably the least WTF post was this one- from 5/10- i'm not even sharing a link because it was just me whining about how many ARCs i was behind on!  LOL 
