book club thursday - 12/26/19

it's our last post...for 2019

carpe librum 

seize the book

Thanks for stopping by for BCT (Book Club Thursday). My name is Cyn and each week myself and by BFF Ann@ Romancing the Readers blog about book related themes. 

Today is:
the last BCT post of the year! i can't believe it! myself and RTR had so much fun this year... 


myself and RTR hope you'll join us again in 2020- below is a snapshot of what we'll be doing next year- we have kept many things we enjoyed and added some new things too! you'll also see new art work  for the new year. i know i'm excited and looking forward to a new year of books and blogs. 

in a nutshell: 

each month's thursdays:

1st:trivia thursday

2nd:rotating themes
3rd:throwback thursday 
4th:reading challenge
5th:free day  

for more details please visit 
bct 2020
and don't forget we will continue to blog together on fridays and sundays- fridays will feature rotating theme and sundays will feature a month of themed book cover(only the covers!) learn more here

lastly, each year i look forward to so many upcoming books- i won't mention them all because there are sooooooooo many - but here are just a few i am really EXTRA excited about:

now don't forget to:

trivia thursday

Romancing the Readers
